Monday, 15 July 2013

GENEVIEVE MORRIS, continued...

Who or what inspires you?

“Women in general inspire me. Women who are following their dream, succeeding against adversity, seeming to cope with parenting better than I do, are multi tasking. Especially the "multi taskers" in the arts. Actors who also write/direct etc. People that have no fear inspire me. And people that are inherently good, and tolerant and driven.”

Jurga getting Gen ready for her wig
Jurga's beautiful handmade wig
beautiful and ready to go on
hair tucked in
fellow cast mate Matt drops in to say hello

Do you have a to do in life (bucket) list and if so what is on it?
“I don't really have a bucket list as such. I do want to travel more, and when the kids are a bit older take them to see other parts of the world that are different to ours.”

transformation almost complete, Gen heads back to dressing room.

What makes you happy?

“I feel very lucky that many of the simple things in life make me happy. Watching my kids playing happily together (and not fighting) makes me just about the happiest person on the planet.
Watching my dog run through a big field or oval with a doggy smile on her face makes me happy.
Sharing humour with my partner makes me happy. Sleep ins. Dinner with friends. Exercise makes me happy and I wish I'd discovered this fact 20 years ago. Oh, and 200mg daily of sertraline. That helps my happiness levels too.

Gen's lucky knickers!

To Follow…
Genevieve’s dinner invite and more

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